Tax Free Cash...
Helping Family out NOW is one of the most rewarding things you can do.
Have you made plans in place for when you pass away?
You may have a Trust, a Will or a life Insurance Policy designated for your Heirs already in place. Congratulations! You did good in preparing. But you notice, they could REALLY use those funds now. You can get a Reverse Mortgage to help your kids buy that home or help the Grand Kids with their College needs. It's YOUR money and it's TAX FREE. You can do whatever you want with it. By converting equity into income, a reverse mortgage is a way to stay in your home and receive cash to use for any purpose, whether it's day-to-day living expenses, home remodeling or repair, paying off existing debt, helping Family out, Health costs or traveling the world! *** In some cases, reverse mortgages can even be used to a purchase a home OR help your Family out with that purchase of a new home of their own.
Enjoy it now, WITH THEM!
Many times Heirs, whether they are Children or Grandchildren, will get a bequest AFTER a loved one passes away. Though they are grateful, they are feeling the sadness of the loss of a loved one. Give them the gift now and bask in the enjoyment with them.
Those memories of you will be so much stronger if you are there to enjoy life with them. Pictures last forever, sometimes Memories fade.
Some of the things Family could use the money for NOW:
Maybe your Grandchild could use a car for college.
They are Ready to buy a house of their own.
The house they have needs a new roof or repairs.
You've been wanting to take a Family trip with the WHOLE FAMILY.
That musical instrument they've always wanted will bring Music to YOUR ears.
Call Today (562) 788-3456 (or send us an e-mail today), to get answers to your questions and to receive a FREE complimentary 44 page "Reverse Mortgage" guide, published by the AARP Foundation. We are here to help educate so that there is no second guessing if a reverse mortgage is right for you!
Are there Tax Consequences?
The new Tax laws in 2015 will allow a person to give up to $14,000 for the year, TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU LIKE, and there are no tax consequences. Also, after you pass away, your heirs will get all of the equity in your home tax free. (Please consult a CPA) The Lifetime gift tax exemption for 2015 is $5.43 million.
What if I have a Trust?
That is Fantastic! You did your planning. No problem. We will just need a copy of it to make sure we are on the same page. In most ALL situations, it's perfect.
Looking for Options for Senior Housing or Assited Living?
A Reverse Mortgage may be the answer!
Time to move to a place that better suits my needs. Life is full of change...
"Only as high as I reach can I grow. Only as far as I seek can I go. Only as deep as I look can I see. Only as much as I dream can I be" - Life gives us opportunities and decisions to make . Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. We are here to help you make those decisions.
Are there Tax Consequences?
Many times one of the spouses enters an assisted living facility while the other one stays in their property. A Reverse Mortgage requires you to be living in the property so, this is the perfect option for you. The average cost for a private one bedroom apartment in an assisted living facility in California is $3,750 a month. Reverse Mortgage is a loan that allows seniors to use the equity in their home to improve the quality of life and knock down the financial barriers to independent living.
Time to Downsize?
There are many Senior Housing communities that are perfect for your current lifestyle. Some offer MANY different levels of service. In California there are over 500 major communities. We can help find one in your area of choice or we can refer you to our database of Full Time Realtors. Call Today (562) 400-6767 or send us an e-mail to get answers to your questions. We are here to help educate you so that there is no second guessing if a reverse mortagage is right for you!
Make the most of your home's equity, make the most of your retirement!
Call us now for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION: (562) 400-6767
or, Send Us A Message, We're Here!